About Travel Tech Essentialist
The objective of my newsletter is to shed some light into the present of travel while exploring its new frontiers.
By subscribing, you will have access to:
Newsletter: Ten insights. Every two weeks. In your inbox.
Research and analysis on industry trends, topics, competitors and leaders.
The Travel Tech Essentialist newsletter is the #1 ranked travel business newsletter on Substack, written for travel tech entrepreneurs, executives and investors.
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About Mauricio Prieto
I co-founded eDreams in 1999 and served as its CMO and board member until 2015, playing a pivotal role in its growth to become one of the world's largest Online Travel Agencies, achieving $5.5 billion in bookings, $550 million in revenue, and $140 million EBITDA. eDreams marked several firsts: Spain’s first startup IPO in 2014, its first unicorn, and Europe’s largest publicly traded eCommerce entity. After eDreams, I moved to the US and launched Travel Tech Essentialist, a platform for travel operators and investors to make better decisions and connect with the right partners. In the ‘90’s I consulted for Booz Allen Hamilton in Mexico and worked in product development for the online brokerage division of Charles Schwab in San Francisco and Miami.
Originally from Mexico, my life and career have been equally divided among the US, Spain, and Mexico. Now residing in New Orleans, I am deeply committed to supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs. This commitment extends to my roles as an entrepreneurship instructor at IESE Business School in Barcelona, a professor for Tulane University's Student Venture Accelerator classes (MGMT 4200 and MGMT 4210), and a collaborator with Stanford University's Lean LaunchPad course (ENGR 245).
And, if you go to Barcelona, go to my restaurant, Cal Pep, one of Spain’s most iconic tapas restaurants and once listed as high as No.31 in The World’s 50 Best Restaurants.
What subscribers to Travel Tech Essentialist are saying
Join the community of thousands of travel founders, entrepreneurs, executives, employees and investors enjoying the benefits of Travel Tech Newsletter:
Are you in Travel? Are you in startup or acceleration mode? Then you should read Mauricio's weekly musings. It is one of the better-curated blogs (or whatever one calls them these days). — Timothy O'Neil-Dunne
Mauricio Prieto’s Travel Tech Essentialist just dropped an absolute masterclass in both Sales & Marketing that anyone can understand in less than 2 minutes. I pity the travel CEO not signed up to it. — Tony CarneMaurico Prieto’s newsletter 'Travel Tech Essentialist' is bible material for all Travel Tech Entrepreneurs and I encourage you to take a peek at its super informative business content — Yannis Moati
This is, by far, the best newsletter for the travel industry, not just in terms of information and insights, but also interesting content.
I would like to say a big THANK YOU for your newsletter Travel Tech Essentialist! I have been reading it for the last 3 years (since #10!) and I'm always enthusiastic about opening it. I have to say I'm extremely demanding at content reading. It should not waste my time and I have to say that your content is always captivating, I'm never disappointed! To be honest you are the only newsletter I'm really following. You cover diverse topics but it's always relevant. And it's not just about content but also about your format, you get the exact balance between being concise but still explaining the topics properly. Sincerely, I have never seen a content having such a quality and I would like to deeply thank you for freely offering it to me!Anyone in online travel *NOT* reading Mauricio Prieto's Travel Tech Essentialist is doing themselves a major disservice. The weekly content spans major categories across the general travel industry (think performance metrics, industry news, thought leadership, corporate advice, job boards, etc.) in a beautifully succinct, fun-to-read brief. The cost: free. The value: priceless.
You know what the problem is with your newsletter? It is too useful! It sits in my inbox for weeks (and I want to get to inbox zero) because I want to come back to it later to soak it all in :-D
Travel Tech Essentialist Newsletter provides 'essential' updates on the current state of the Travel Tech Industry. For me, it has been a source of inspiration during the past year plus. Hearing news of successful M&A's, funding & growth of other start-up's in our industry has 1.) Reminded me of the opportunity that exists within this space & 2.) Has sparked that inner fire & competitiveness ("if they can do it...")
Anyone interested in travel tech and innovation should be subscribing to this newsletter.
Thank you for the newsletter! The creativity insights are priceless.
I'm lucky enough to have been a subscriber to Mauricio's newsletter for quite a while now and it's one of the few that never comes on my "should I unsubscibe to clear up my inbox?" list! Insightful data, combined with Mauricio's incredible insight to make it all digestable, make it a must for anyone interested in traveltech.
Just a short note to say a huge thank you for your regular email it is by far one of the best in the travel space and in my top 3 reads on substack
I'm receiving your newsletters and I must share that it's the only newsletter from the travel industry media that I'm reading...always well structured and relevant news.
Thanks so much for this newsletter - seeing it pop up every week in my inbox is genuinely something I look forward too as a travel founder who is always looking to learn more about the space. I've been looking to find other newsletters as good but so far haven't found anything comparable. Keep up the amazing work!
Great newsletter! You have no idea the feeling I get when I receive this in my Inbox.
Mauricio Prieto has once again ht the nail on the head 🎯 on what's probably my favorite travel tech newsletter.
It's one of the few newsletters that I read on a regular basis.
The most up to date news in the travel tech market.
Keep going Mauricio, there is no comparable newsletter to yours going out at the moment :)
I love it all, your analysis is excellent. It’s digestible and eye opening. You're awesome, this is the best piece of traveltech news around.
I like that you sometimes spot things that I don't in the world of travel. I also like the tone you use, in addition to your perspective. Thank you for the hard work on this!
I like that makes me feel updated about the travel industry. I also like that it’s curated content from an industry expert. Finally, I like that you 1) write content and 2) have opinion on different matters vs just linking stuff. It reminds me to Ben Evans newsletter.
Global analysis and trends with a unique perspective
I have been reading this newsletter for over a year now and can only recommend it to anyone working in hospitality, but also adjacent sectors. Always a great read!
Love it ! Very insightful compared to the traditional media for an entrepreneur in travel tech. I don't have time to navigate several websites. Plus there are also news about the general tech industry such as Apple potential search engine.
Frequency is just right. Stories are balanced. I like that its not corporate, it makes it real that you are the face behind the newsletter. Thanks!
I think that the newsletter provides unique viewpoints and in-depth information, which is better than most other newsletters in travel.
I like everything - timing of every two weeks is perfect as is the content
Broad scope, always tied into travel, helps connect the dots in the a very interesting way, very well supported by references and resources, enjoy the opinions.
I love it! Clear insights, super well explained
Short summary paragraphs leading to more extensive articles. I like the research side (I have used it in some presentations)
Love the newsletter and try to apply learnings to my startup
Keeps me posted from last updates in the industry, focusing in Innovation, Start Ups but also in big players. Thanks Mauricio!
I am a big fan of your Travel Tech newsletter. It's one of the most incisive sources I have found for news on the travel tech industry, and I devour it rather greedily every time you send it out.
Travel and Tech peeps, shout out to Mauricio Prieto. Love your newsletter, keeps me up to date on how travel and Tech continue to blend. Thank you.
I am impressed by and thankful for a high signal-to-noise ratio in Travel Tech Essentialist newsletter.
Always a great newsletter. Maybe the best out there.
Thank you for featuring XXX and our seed raise a couple months back. I just connected with XXX at XXX (VC) and he said they found us through your newsletter.